[afro-nets] Global Health Free Webinars in January

Dear Friend of Unite For Sight,

We invite you to join our free upcoming global health and social entrepreneurship webinars on January 14 and January 21. Learn from leading experts about Funding for Social Impact <http://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/jan14webinar&gt; (January 14) and Careers in Global Health and Social Entrepreneurship <http://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/jan21webinar&gt; (January 21).

Funding For Social Impact: Advice From The Experts
January 14th, 2-3pm Eastern Time

Register at http://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/jan14webinar

Learn from leading experts about funding for new ideas, growing organizations, and established organizations. The webinar will include guidance and advice from five panelists, as well as ample opportunity to ask the speakers questions about revenue-generating strategies, donor support, advice about grants and other funding opportunities, utilizing data and program outcomes, effective marketing, as well as other unique funding strategies.

Webinar Expert Panelists:

   Andy Bryant, Executive Director, Segal Family Foundation
   Gary Cohen, President and Co-Founder, Health Care Without Harm
   Tyler Gage, Founder and President, Runa
   Rich Leimsider, Vice President of Fellowship Programs, Echoing Green
   Lisa McCandless, Director of Business Development, Living Goods

Careers in Global Health and Social Entrepreneurship Webinar
January 21st, 4-5pm Eastern Time

Register at http://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/jan21webinar

Learn what skills and experiences are best for a career in global health, what employers are looking for, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in global health, the depth and breadth of global health and social entrepreneurship opportunities, and more. This webinar is ideal for students and professionals interested in global health and social entrepreneurship, as well as university advisors and faculty.

Webinar Expert Panelists:

   Elizabeth Bradley, Professor of Public Health, Yale University; Master, Branford College; Faculty Director, Yale Global Health Leadership Institute
   Andrea Coleman, Co-founder and CEO, Riders for Health
   Paul Ellingstad, Partner and Program Director, Sustainability and Social Innovation, Hewlett-Packard
   Jordan Levy, Chief External Relations Officer, Ubuntu Education Fund
   Leila Makarechi, Chief Operating Officer and Executive VP of Program Management, Microclinic International
   Barrett Prinz, Chief People Officer, One Acre Fund
   Tali Shmulovich, Vice President, Operations, Global Health Corps
   Robin Smalley, Co-Founder, Director of mothers2mothers International

Unite For Sight * 234 Church Street, 15th Floor, New Haven, CT 06510 * 203-404-4900

Jennifer Staple-Clark