Healthlink Worldwide
Press release
17 July 1998
Goodbye AHRTAG, hello Healthlink Worldwide
From Monday 20 July 1998, there will be a new name in the world of
health information - Healthlink Worldwide.
But it's a name with 21 years of experience behind it. Healthlink
Worldwide is the new name for AHRTAG (Appropriate Health Resources
and Technologies Action Group) which has been putting health informa-
tion to work since 1977.
The new name reflects the organisation's focus on health and de-
scribes its way of working world-wide - linking information and
health workers, linking partners, linking policy and practice.
Healthlink Worldwide continues AHRTAG's aim of improving the health
of poor and vulnerable communities by strengthening the provision,
use and impact of information.
Healthlink Worldwide works with more than 30 partner organisations in
developing countries including governments, non-governmental organi-
sations and academic institutes to run programmes to support particu-
lar health needs. These include continuing education and training for
health workers in Africa and the Middle East, AIDS and Sexual Health,
Child Health and Disability.
Healthlink Worldwide's practical training and education materials in
printed and electronic forms reach nearly two million health and de-
velopment workers world-wide. Healthlink Worldwide provides technical
support to partner organisations and others in setting up and devel-
oping resource centres and information services. This work draws upon
the UK's largest collection of health learning materials from devel-
oping countries, based at Healthlink Worldwide's resource centre.
For further information, contact:
Andrew Chetley
Communications and Information Manager
Healthlink Worldwide (formerly AHRTAG)
Farringdon Point
29-35 Farringdon Road
London EC1M 3JB, UK
Tel: +44 171 242 0606
Fax: +44 171 242 0041
or visit our web site:
general enquiries:
Victoria Richardson
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `'.
Mail administrative requests to `'.
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