Course title: Impact Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV&AIDS Programmes
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Dates: 10-21 August 2009
The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) announces the 2009 offering of the course on "Impact Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV&AIDS Programmes" scheduled to take place in Nairobi Kenya from 10-21 August 2009.
HIV & AIDS programmes must show impact to ensure that the programs and services are effectively making a difference. Managers of these programmes must be held accountable, show impact, and carefully select areas of investments in order to maximize the impact of scarce resources. Thus, impact assessment has become a major step in the planning and implementation of HIV & AIDS programmes and monitoring of on-going projects has become an important internal management tool.
Unfortunately, the capacity to assess impact on an on-going basis and make the results of such assessment part of the continuous process of planning and implementing HIV & AIDS programmes is still weak in many developing countries. Although the demand for such training and skill building is very high, only few organisations offer such training in the region.
In response to this, CAFS has developed a two-week course to provide hands-on skills in designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems and tools in HIV & AIDS programmes. The course provides training in fundamentals of monitoring and evaluation tools and techniques.
CAFS counts on your support as a donor to sponsor candidates who may apply for funding to attend this course. The tuition fee is US$ 1,500. This covers tuition, training materials, supplies and certificate awards. Organisations which register two participants in one scheduled course, will get a discount of 10% on tuition fees for each of the two participants. If an organization sends more than two participants, CAFS will offer a fee reduction of 15% for each participant attending the course. Please see the course announcement below.
In addition to the International Course, CAFS can offer this training to organizations or projects at country level on request. Please do not hesitate to contact me on <> for more information on this course or any other CAFS service.
We look forward to your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Spangler, MPH
Knowledge Management Specialist