[afro-nets] Impact Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation of Reproductive Health and HIV & AIDS Programmes - Course Reminder

"Impact Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation of Reproductive Health and HIV & AIDS Programmes"
Nairobi , Kenya
Twice this year: 24-28 May 2010 and 23-27 August 2010
Dear Sir or Madam,
The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) will hold a course on "Impact Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation of Reproductive Health and HIV & AIDS Programmes" which is scheduled to take place in Nairobi , Kenya , twice this year, on 24-28 May 2010 and 23-27 August 2010.
The purpose of this two-week course is to provide hands-on skills in designing and implementing Monitoring and Evaluation systems and tools in HIV & AIDS programmes.
Organizations which register two participants in this course will get a discount of 10% on tuition fees for each of the two participants. If an organization sends more than two participants, CAFS will offer a fee reduction of 15% for each participant attending the course.
The course announcement below provides more information about the course and application procedures. Please feel free to duplicate these materials and share with colleagues who you feel may be interested and other partners and networks who may benefit from this course. For more details about other services offered by CAFS, please visit the CAFS website www.cafs.org.
In addition to the Regional Course, CAFS can offer this training to organizations or projects at organization, region or country level on request. Please do not hesitate to contact me on courses@cafs.org for more information on this course or any other CAFS service.
We look forward to your continued support.
Yours sincerely,

Joan Githinji
Technical Services Assistant
Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS)
CAFS Centre, Mara Road , Upper Hill
P.O. Box 60054-00200
Nairobi , Kenya
Tel. +254 20 2731479
Fax +254 20 2731489
Website: www.cafs.org
Email: courses@cafs.org

Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS)
Building Africa 's capacity for healthier families
"Impact Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation of Reproductive Health and HIV & AIDS Programmes"
Twice this year: 24-28 May 2010 and 23-27 August 2010

Nairobi , Kenya
Reproductive Health (RH) and HIV & AIDS programmes must show impact to ensure that the programs and services are effectively making a difference. Managers of these programs must be held accountable, show impact, and carefully select areas of investments in order to maximize the impact of scarce resources. Thus, impact assessment has become a major step in the planning and implementation of RH and HIV & AIDS programmes, and monitoring of on-going projects has become an important internal management tool. Read more...
Tuition Fee: US$1,000
Reserving a place on the course
In order to reserve a place in one of CAFS' courses, payment should be made as soon as possible but before the commencement of the course.
Course application form:
Click here to register for "Impact Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation of Reproductive Health (RH) and HIV & AIDS Programmes" online
Click here to download CAFS course application form

Joan Githinji
CAFS Centre
Mara Road, Upper Hill
P O Box 60054 - 00200 Nairobi
Tel: (254 20) 2731479/272 5641
Mobile : (254) (0) 722 205 179/733 601 765
Fax: (254 20) 273 1489
Website: www.cafs.org