International Conference on Health Research for Development
10-13 October, 2000
Bangkok, Thailand
Ten years after the Karolinska Nobel Conference on health research
for development four leading partners in the field, the World Health
Organisation (WHO), the World Bank, the Global Forum for Health Re-
search (GFHR), and the Council for Health Research for Development
(COHRED), have joined forces for the first time to draw up a common
agenda for the International Conference on Health Research for Devel-
opment, to be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 10 to 13 October 2000.
Thus the stage is set for another landmark event in the annals of
health research. It will afford the international community an oppor-
tunity to focus on the highest health research priorities. Discus-
sions will be oriented towards a new vision, a responsive agenda and
an action plan to translate health research over the next ten years
into policies and practices that improve health and the quality of
life, particularly in developing countries. The conference will pro-
vide a forum for international, regional and country institutions and
networks to endorse the action plan in support of a truly global
partnership serving a rapidly changing world.
The primary aims of the conference are:
- to elaborate a vision, an agenda and action plan for health re-
search for development in the first decade of the new millennium;
- to establish the architecture of health research cooperation at the
international, regional and country levels.
The conference will take stock of the accumulated knowledge and
achievements in health research infrastructure, investment decisions,
development policies and cooperation mechanisms over the last 10
years. It will mobilise broad-based support for an international ac-
tion plan that provides workable responses to the current needs of
human development and anticipates future challenges.
Better health and quality of life require a multidisciplinary ap-
proach that encompasses practitioners in various walks of life. The
Steering Committee, therefore, encourages the participation not only
of those engaged in health research and the medical profession but
also policy makers, community leaders, professional associations, in-
ternational and non-governmental organisations, as well as stake-
holders from related sectors, such as education, agriculture, nutri-
tion, employment and housing.
This joint initiative, that incorporates the GFHR Forum 4, is ex-
pected to attract over 700 representatives from a broad spectrum of
stakeholders. Its uniqueness has already captured the imagination of
a string of organisations and governmental agencies that will play an
active role in the Steering Committee for the conference, under the
direction of Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway
and current Director General of WHO. In sum, the conference will be
the event on health research for the decade that stakeholders across
the board can ill afford to miss.
The conference is organised by four partners for whom health research
is the core or a key element of their day-to-day activities. It will
be serviced by a conference secretariat provided by COHRED, with the
support of WHO and GFHR. In addition to the Steering Committee, re-
sponsible for policy elements, the organisational structure includes
an International Organising Committee, responsible for operational
elements, and a Local Organising Committee responsible for logistics
and local arrangements. In this endeavour the organising partners
have made every effort to enlist the participation of competent gov-
ernment agencies and national institutions, especially in developing
countries. In the organisation and preparation of the conference ex-
tensive use will be made of Internet connectivity and knowledge man-
agement systems
The interactive structure of the conference is designed to pave the
way to the adoption of the action plan for health research. It con-
sists of succinct keynote addresses, well-structured review and dis-
cussion of major initiatives, as well as breakout groups on key is-
sues of health research. A forum for regional voices will be provided
and an informal marketplace for interaction and contacts. Partners
wishing to hold their own constituency meetings in conjunction with
the conference may do so on the two preceding days. The same facility
will be available to other interested parties wishing to hold satel-
lite meetings on related topics. There is also scope for a scientific
exhibition, where organisations can display literature and services
and the private-sector can showcase products and services relevant to
the themes of the conference.
The conference will be held over four days with the following
provisional timetable:
Day 1 will be devoted to the opening ceremony with keynote addresses
and a series of breakout groups and parallel sessions for thematic
debates and a search for consensus on tools and methodologies. A
drafting committee will be set up to ensure the timely completion of
the declaration or other concluding documents/recommendations to be
adopted at the closing session.
Days 2 and 3 will follow a similar pattern.
Day 4 will encompass the closing plenary synthesis session and the
adoption of the final document/declaration/recommendations.
The provisional agenda and order of business for the conference will
be issued in February 2000.
Preparatory phase
Preparations for the conference encompass a range of analyses and
consultations as follows:
* to facilitate the review of past achievements in health research a
general situation analysis of the status and development of health
research will be undertaken to provide both the global picture and
regional differences. Other studies include a review of the architec-
ture of health-research cooperation and lessons learnt from the suc-
cesses, failures and constraints of the past decade, as well as a
survey of the different players and networks, including sources of
funding at all levels.
* in building consensus for the conference goals the Steering Commit-
tee will, during the months preceding the conference, sponsor a se-
ries of participatory consultations, including a synthesis meeting.
It will initiate a dialogue between stakeholders, including country
and regional networks, intergovernmental and non-governmental organi-
sations. With the help of regional convenors this approach will lay
the foundations for an interactive and collaborative process that
will be taken through to the conference and beyond. It will thus en-
sure the mobilisation of support and pave the way for decision making
at the conference
In-session activity
At the conference the initiating organisations will pursue collabora-
tion in mobilising broad support for a responsive agenda for interna-
tional co-operation. To build on past achievements the conference
programme makes provision for a review of major health research gains
of the last decade. Discussion will focus on flagship issues, such as
equity-oriented health research and sustainable research capacity. It
will review the reliability and applicability of current research
methodologies and indicators. It will determine the mechanisms, roles
of different players and organisational change needed to anchor the
process in the new millennium.
The report of the conference will be issued in printed form within
one month of the closing session. The decisions/declaration / recom-
mendations adopted will be issued as a separate document to simplify
broader circulation within countries and organisations. The documen-
tation will be sent to all participating delegations by the confer-
ence secretariat. It will be made available to other interested par-
ties upon request.
The registration fee of US$ 200 includes admission to the conference,
conference materials, lunch and coffee and tea. The registration form
for the conference can be downloaded from:
It should be returned at an early date to the conference secretariat.
The conference will be held at the Shangri-la Hotel in Bangkok, where
accommodation is provided from US$ 105 per night. Alternative hotel
accommodation is available. Hotel reservations can be made when com-
pleting the registration form and returning it at an early date to
the conference secretariat at the contact address below. Applications
for financial assistance may also be addressed to the conference se-
cretariat. Participants are required to make their own travel and
visa arrangements. Thai Airways is the official carrier for the con-
ference. The conference secretariat will confirm your reservation by
mail together with payment instructions and further information con-
cerning travel and accommodation.
An invitation brochure has been issued in January 2000, which can be
downloaded from the following web site:
The conference secretariat will periodically update this site with
useful information about the conference.
For further information contact:
Conference Secretariat
c/o UNDP, Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22-917-8554
Fax: +41-22-917-8015
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `'.
Mail administrative requests to `'.
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