Internet learning materials now available in French and in English
I'm pleased to share the news that "Venez Sur Internet: Etapes
Faciles Pour R�ussir sur Internet", the french version of
Kabissa's 150-page Internet training manual "Time To Get Online
- Simple Steps to Success on the Internet", is now available. We
are very excited as this release means that Time To Get Online
workshops will now be possible in francophone African countries
- stay tuned for improved support for francophone Africa on our
Web sites in the near future. While tailored for African organi-
zations, they are also perfectly relevant and useful for non-
profits wherever they are in the world. To learn more about the
materials and to download them for FREE as Adobe PDF files (150
pp. 2.74 MB!), click:
or see both the English and French descriptions of the materials
The translation/localization work was made possible through a
grant from the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA -
see OSIWA, together with GTZ
(, supported our first Time To Get Online
Training-of-trainers workshop for West African civil society or-
ganizations, which took place in Accra, Ghana this past August.
Participants in that workshop came from throughout West Africa,
and during the course of the next year will run their own TTGO
workshops. More TOT workshops are planned.
For follow-up, please click on or
write to Kim Lowery
Best wishes,
Tobias Eigen
Executive Director
Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa
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Time To Get Online - Simple Steps to Success on the Internet
Kabissa's Time to Get Online learning materials are the founda-
tion of our capacity building program. We developed the materi-
als for use by African civil society organizations. They are de-
signed to be both a self-learning curriculum and to be distrib-
uted during hands-on workshops conducted by our training part-
ners. After each workshop we re-evaluate our curriculum, adding
or subtracting material to make our program more effective. This
fine tuning enables us to provide the best possible learning ma-
terials and workshops as possible, tailored to the needs of Af-
rican civil society.
What do the materials cover?
The 150-page "Time To Get Online" materials are centered around
the five essential "steps to success on the Internet". The first
half of the materials is geared towards creating Internet-savvy
activists. The second half will help them to become effective
Internet champions, capable of leading their organizations
through the challenging process of integrating the Internet into
everything they do. The Appendices and accompanying CD-ROM
(print version only) contain a wealth of additional resources
for continued learning, freely distributable computer software
and more.
How do I get Time to Get Online materials for my organization?
You can access the materials in two different ways:
1) Download them!
Downloading our Time to Get Online materials is FREE. The mate-
rials are in Adobe PDF format which means that you need to have
Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print them out. The compressed
version downloads faster, but requires a ZIP extractor.
To download the latest version now, click on
2) Order a print version.
You can also order a printed version of the materials. This
print version is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing additional
learning resources, Web sites and software. WE DO CHARGE FOR THE
PRINT VERSION, but just to cover the cost of publication and
shipping. Accordingly, the price charged for the materials de-
pends on the quantity required and how much it costs us to ship
them to you. This cost usually runs between US$ 25 and US$ 40;
please contact Kabissa at to de-
termine the exact price and place an order.
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Venez Sur Internet: Etapes Faciles Pour R�ussir sur Internet
Le Mat�riel d�auto formation "Venez sur Internet" est le socle
de notre programme de formation. Nous d�veloppons ces mat�riels
afin que les soci�t�s civiles africaines puissent les utiliser.
Ils ont �t� con�us pour �tre � la fois un mat�riel d�auto ap-
prentissage et �galement distribu�s pendant le d�roulement des
ateliers que dirigent nos partenaires. Apr�s chaque atelier nous
actualisons, et en additionnant ou supprimant des �l�ments afin
que ce programme reste performant. Ces r�glages nous permettent
d�offrir les meilleurs mat�riels d�auto formation ainsi que les
meilleurs ateliers possibles adapt�s au besoin des soci�t�s
civiles africaines.
Que couvre le mat�riel d�auto formation?
Les 150 pages du support �Venez sur Internet� sont centres aut-
our de cinq essentielles ��tapes pour r�ussir sur Internet�. La
premi�re moiti� du support est destin�e � former des nouveaux
professionnels de l�Internet. La deuxi�me moiti� les aidera �
devenir des champions de l�Internet, capables d�utiliser Inter-
net au sein de leur organisation dans leur travail quotidien.
Les annexe et le CD-ROM distribu� avec (seulement la version im-
prim�e) contiennent une richesse certaine de ressources qui peu-
vent �tre utilis�es pour continuer � apprendre plus, et �gale-
ment des informations sur les logiciels gratuitement disponibles
en ligne et beaucoup plus encore.
Comment puis je obtenir le mat�riel d�auto formation �Venez sur
Internet� pour en faire b�n�ficier mon organisation?
Vous pouvez acc�der au support du mat�riel de deux mani�res dif-
1) T�l�charger les!
T�l�charger notre support d�auto formation � Venez su Internet �
est gratuit. Le support est sous le format Adobe PDF, ce qui im-
plique que vous ayez le logiciel Adobe Acrobat, afin de le lire
ou encore pour l�imprimer. La version compress�e se t�l�charge
beaucoup plus rapidement, mais elle requiert un extracteur de
fichiers zipp�s.
Pour T�l�charger la derni�re version maintenant, cliquez sur
2) Commander une version imprim�e
Vous avez �galement la possibilit� de commander une version im-
prim�e du support du mat�riel d�auto formation. Cette version
imprim�e est accompagn�e d�un CD-ROM contenant des informations
additionnelles telles que des adresses de sites Web ou encore
des logiciels. Mais uniquement dans le but de couvrir nos
charges d�impression et de transport. Le prix de l�impression et
du transport d�pend de la distance et donc du co�t du transport
pour vous exp�dier la version. Ce co�t de transport se situe g�-
n�ralement entre US$ 25 et US$ 40; Veuillez contacter Kabissa a, afin de conna�tre l�exactitude
du prix et pour enregistrer votre commande.