Kabissa Launches Training-of-Trainers Program in West Africa
Washington, DC (June 18) � Responding to the demands of past
Time to Get Online workshop participants, Kabissa launches a new
Training-of-Trainers (TOT) program for West African civil soci-
ety organizations in August. The Time to Get Online curriculum
combines self-learning materials and hands-on workshops to help
African civil society organizations to build capacity through
internet-based information sharing and advocacy initiatives. The
TOT model enables us to have an even greater impact on civil so-
ciety organizations throughout the region by creating a network
of ICT training partners empowered to deliver this curriculum in
their own communities.
Kabissa � an organization dedicated to helping African organiza-
tions put the Internet to work for the benefit of the people
they serve � originally developed the Time to Get Online cur-
riculum for organizations excited by the potential of the Inter-
net, but lacking the skills needed to take advantage of the its
many resources.
The new TOT program builds a network of ICT trainers throughout
the region and gives twenty civil society organizations the op-
portunity to conduct Time to Get Online workshops in their own
communities. The week-long intensive program will bring together
a diverse set of civil society organizations to train them on
the Time to Get Online curriculum and how to deliver it using
adult learning techniques. This program has been developed in
collaboration with echange, LLC and Eco-Ventures International,
two organizations that specialize in training and innovative
ways to use technology. Upon completion of the program, partici-
pants will become Kabissa-certified Time to Get Online training
partners and receive learning materials for their own workshops.
For more information or to apply for the workshop, visit the
Time to Get Online Web site � http://www.timetogetonline.org -
or contact Kim Lowery at ttgo@kabissa.org
About Kabissa
Founded in 1999, Kabissa is a nonprofit organization dedicated
to helping African civil society organizations put the Internet
to work for the benefit of the people they serve. Programs focus
on providing Internet services, building the capacity of organi-
zations to use technology, and promoting interaction within the
African civil society sector. Today, more than 700 organizations
from over 30 countries take advantage of Kabissa�s services.
For more information about Kabissa, visit:
http://www.kabissa.org or
Tel: +1-202-265-6116