AFRO-NETS> Join ProCAARE discussion on HIV/AIDS!

Join ProCAARE discussion on HIV/AIDS!

Come and join the ProCAARE discussion group now!

Program for Collaboration Against AIDS and Related Epidemics

SATELLIFE is pleased to announce the expansion of ProCAARE with its
long-standing partner the Harvard AIDS Institute/Harvard School of
Public Health, and new collaborator, Health and Development Networks.

The goal of the discussion group is to provide a forum for dialogue
among clinical and public health physicians, nurses, researchers,
policy makers, program managers, and other interested health practi-
tioners both in the developing and industrialized world who are en-
gaged in the fight against AIDS. Discussion centres on the continuum
of biomedical and care issues covering such topics as prevention, ac-
cess to drugs, home and institutional care, education, and epidemiol-

ProCAARE ensures that the health professional in the developing world
can not only communicate and exchange information internationally but
also with colleagues within the region who share similar challenges
and concerns. To maintain a high-quality and lively interaction, mod-
erators actively monitor the discussion. The moderators also support
the network by supplying summaries of current and relevant research
findings and other material of interest. A Steering Committee com-
prised of representatives from internationally-recognized institu-
tions in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Europe and North America
guides the overall direction of the discussion group.

A team of key correspondents will be covering the AIDS 2000 confer-
ence in Durban and providing daily, up-to-the minute reports - Pro-
CAARE will disseminate session reports and on-site news about
HIV/AIDS care-related themes and topics.

To be ready for Durban, subscribe now to ProCAARE!

How to subscribe to ProCAARE

You may subscribe in one of two ways:

1. By sending an email message to the following address:

Type the following commands only in the text portion of your message:
   subscribe procaare

2. Via SATELLIFE'S World Wide Web site

Using your browser, connect to the following address:


Leela McCullough

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