[afro-nets] Malaria Learning Resource

Malaria Learning Resource

Source: Malaria Mailing List <malaria@wehi.edu.au>

Just to let you know that the MALARIA LEARNING RESOURCE (in Eng-
lish and in French) is now available on the Impact Malaria web-

The resource has been designed to enable the learner to find out
about malaria from different points of view; it covers all as-
pects of the subject and acts as a web portal to guide the
learner towards other sources of information. It is subdivided
into 10 Units, each with well-defined learning objectives. Each
topic is covered in a hierarchic fashion, going from the basic
to the more advanced, and is carefully illustrated and linked to
further reading of either published literature or other relevant
web sites. The project is still being developed and the various
sections are regularly up-dated (only sections on Biology, Vec-
tors, Diagnosis, Immunology and Biochemistry are currently

Best wishes,

Professor M. Hommel
Editor-in-Chief, Malaria Journal
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Pembroke Place
Tel. +44-151-705-3169
Fax: +44-151-705-3371