"NETWORK" - a family planning quarterly
Teaching adolescents about the biology of reproduction, options for
preventing pregnancy and how to avoid risky sexual behavior is an effective
way to help them preserve their reproductive health, experts say in the
current issue of Network, a family planning quarterly published by Family
Health International and financed by USAID. Several studies show that
sexual health education can delay first intercourse for adolescents who are
not already sexually active. For those who are active, including married
young people, education encourages correct and consistent use of
contraception and ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The
English edition of Network was distributed in May, and Spanish and French
editions will be circulated this summer. The publication reaches 65,000
readers in more than 200 countries.
Nash Herndon, Managing Editor
Family Health International
PO Box 13950
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA
Tel: +1-919-544-7040, ext. 224
Fax: +1-919-544-7261
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