AFRO-NETS> New features on SciDev.Net

New features on SciDev.Net

Dear colleague:

I'm writing to let you know about two important innovations that we
have just introduced on the SciDev.Net website.

The first is a special section containing news and opinion articles,
as well as a discussion forum, on the topic of 'Science & Sustain-
ability'. This section is intended to provide information about, and
stimulate debate on, the way that science and technology are being
addressed during preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable De-
velopment in Johannesburg later this year. It can be accessed at:

The second innovation is the introduction of translations into
French, Spanish and Chinese of brief summaries of all the items that
have been posted on SciDev.Net in the previous week. We hope these
translations, which will be accessed directly from the homepage
( and are based on the e-mail alert sent out every
week to registrants who have requested it, will make the site easier
to use for non-English speakers.

I'd be very grateful if you could bring these new features to the at-
tention of any of your colleagues who might be interested, pointing
out that those who would like to receive the alert by e-mail (in Eng-
lish only at present) can do so by registering with us at:

I should add that we are particularly keen to encourage contributions
to the discussion forum on the 'Science & Sustainability' site
( We believe that this provides a unique
opportunity for individuals not directly involved with the WSSD
preparations to express their views in a way that, we anticipate,
will be noticed by those who are.

Best wishes,

David Dickson
Director, SciDev.Net

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