SciDev.Net: Results of users questionnaire
Dear colleagues:
We have now completed an analysis of returned questionnaires about
SciDev.Net, our proposed website on science, technology and develop-
ment. More than 3,600 replies have been received since a request for
feedback on the project was circulated last December, and we are very
grateful to all those who took time to respond.
The results have been extremely encouraging. For example, over 77 per
cent of respondents agreed with the statement that this would be a
"valuable" website, while only about 5 per cent said that the field
is "adequately covered" by existing websites.
We were also encouraged by the high rating given by individual
groups, ranging from university teachers to journalists, to the po-
tential value of such a site to their own profession, and we are cur-
rently incorporating many of the suggestions received into our plans.
A full analysis of the questionnaire replies can be found on:
This includes a regional breakdown of responses, with some interest-
ing results; for example, the different priority rankings attached to
various potential 'dossier' topics.
We hope to be able to circulate more news about the development of
this website, including an intended launch date, in the near future.
Meanwhile an updated version of the homepage can still be found at:
and other information on the 'welcome' page:
We are continuing to analyse questionnaire results as they come in.
So please pass information about this project to any other colleagues
who might be interested in giving us their suggestions.
David Dickson
News editor, Nature
Tel: +44-171-843-4541
Fax: +44-171-843-4596
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