SciDev.Net - Special Section on Open access and Scientific Publishing
Dear all,
By dramatically reducing the cost of disseminating information,
the Internet is revolutionising science publishing. Developing
countries are likely to benefit, but calls to make scientific
information freely available to all are proving controversial.
What do you think.....?
The Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net) is pleased to
announce the launch a special section on open access and scien-
tific publishing. (
This comprehensive guide is your essential overview to the im-
plications of open access initiatives on access to scientific
information in the developing world.
It includes :
* Up-to-date news, features and opinion articles on the issues
surrounding open access and scientific publishing;
* Descriptions of (and links to) current open access initiatives;
* Access to free scientific literature;
* Links to key reports;
* Comprehensive events section with the latest meeting proceed-
ings and future events;
* An opportunity for you to comment and give your views.
You may also be interested in this week's editorial by our di-
rector David Dickson on 'Communicating science in the electronic
era', which raises many of the key issues in the debate.
We hope that this guide will be a useful and important resource
for all those interested in open access to scientific informa-
tion, and will provoke further critical thinking and discussion
on the key issues. We would therefore encourage you to pass this
message on to colleagues and friends who might be interested
Best regards,
The SciDev.Net team
SciDev.Net ( is an organisation devoted to
providing news and promoting debate on science and technology
issues relevant to the needs of developing countries.
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