[afro-nets] New Tools to Attract and Retain Health Workers in Rural Areas

Dear members,

Greetings! I want to share a new CapacityPlus tool, the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit: Designing Evidence-Based Incentives for Health Workers, that will help health leaders find out what motivates health workers to accept posts in rural areas—and to stay there. A new eLearning course will guide health leaders to apply the toolkit in their country or context.

The world needs more health workers, especially in rural and remote areas. The toolkit builds on the WHO’s global policy recommendations for rural retention and is based on the discrete choice experiment, a powerful research method that identifies the trade-offs health professionals (or other types of workers) are willing to make between specific job characteristics and determines their preferences for various incentive packages, including the probability of accepting a post in a rural health facility. The toolkit guides human resources managers through a survey process to rapidly assess health professional students’ and health workers’ motivational preferences to accept a position and continue working in underserved facilities. It allows for rapid data-gathering and analysis, and the results can be used to create evidence-based incentive packages.

CapacityPlus’s HRH Global Resource Center produced and published a free online course that provides step-by-step instructions on implementing the toolkit and video demonstrations of the specialized software required. The course can also serve as an advocacy tool for policy-makers and other stakeholders who may be interested in learning more about the toolkit to discern if it will be appropriate for their context and health labor market.

Get the tool at: http://www.capacityplus.org/rapid-retention-survey-toolkit

Enroll in the course at: http://www.hrhresourcecenter.org/elearning/course/view.php?id=14

Find out more by reading a related news article: http://www.capacityplus.org/resource-spotlight-rapid-retention-survey-toolkit-and-elearning-course
Best wishes,
Carol Bales

Carol Bales | Communications Officer

IntraHealth International<http://www.intrahealth.org> | Because Health Workers Save Lives.
6340 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200 | Chapel Hill, NC 27517
t. +1 (919) 313-9174 | m. (919) 360-4031
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