[afro-nets] Orphans and Vulnerable Children Community Based Care & Support

Orphans and Vulnerable Children Community Based Care & Support

Dear Sir or Madam,

On behalf of Africa Youth Ministries Uganda, I would like to re-
quest information on Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) pro-
jects funding guidelines, policies, deadlines, restrictions and
method of application for grant funding. We would also appreci-
ate general information about your funding or partnership proce-

Africa Youth Ministries Uganda, is a Faith Based NGO registered
in Uganda. Community based care & support for AIDS Orphans is
one of our core program activities. We support AIDS Orphans
through Medical Care, School fees, Psycho-Social Support & Coun-
seling, provide scholastic materials, clothings and feeding.
Over 80% of our beneficiary Children live under the care of aged
persons, and because of this Africa Youth Ministries Uganda has
developed a skills training program for AIDS Orphans & other
Vulnerable Children. The overall objective of the skills train-
ing is to empower such children with income generating skills to
help them participate in income generating activities for their
own survival and to compliment the elderly persons efforts.

Skills training will involve, art & craft, carpentry, moulding,
horticulture farming, weaving, bakery, catering, home management
skills, budgeting, meal planning, time management, negotiating
skills, HIV/AIDS awareness & prevention, and adolescent preg-
nancy prevention. The combination of these skills will empower
both AIDS Orphans living with elderly persons and Child headed
families to improve on their living standards & becoming mean-
ingful citizens. Besides a number of such children are living
with HIV/AIDS, they need nutritional supplements; Africa Youth
Ministries Uganda in partnership with the Ministry of Agricul-
ture we're working on a cost effective local nutritional supple-
ment to help such Children live longer.

We will be glad to submit a full proposal with additional infor-
mation for your further review. We will be glad to answer any
further questions you may have or you may visit our website at:



Albert Kunihira
Director & Peace Ambassador
The Africa Youth Ministries Uganda
P.O. Box 20029,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-71-200-009/75-200-009
Fax: +256-41-251-060
mailto:Admin@aymu.org or mailto:Albert@aymu.org
http://www.aymu.org or http://www.aymuganda.org