[afro-nets] Pesticide use for Malaria Control in Africa

Pesticide use for Malaria Control in Africa (23)

Hi Bill,

Thank you very much for your response. I am also keen in finding
a solution to malaria. Another thing I like to share with you is
the newly inverted technique to kill malaria mosquitoes using
fungus (entonopathogenic fungus). This new biological technique
could actually hit the target. This tool is cheaper and there
are no foreseen mosquitoes resistant against it. Fungus which
attracted great attention and interests among the communities
where the study was done (Ifakara - Southern Tanzania) have also
attracted great attention to international scientists.


Kija Ndyai

Kija Ng'habi
Research Scientist
Entomology Unit, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre
Box 53, Ifakara, Tanzania
Tel: +255-23-262-5164
Fax: +255-23-262 5312

Pesticide use for Malaria Control in Africa (25)

Hi Isaac,

Indeed you have preached tonight... and I agree with you that
Environmentalists have nothing to do with the price of gas...
and that socialism, capitalism, communism, fascism and all the
other -isms do not make sense if the people are not leading a
long and healthy life... without poverty and disease.

Pamela Kakande

Pesticide use for Malaria Control in Africa (32)

People, did anyone hear Craig respond to the issues I raised? I
did not hear anything apart from rhetoric... I will take my time
to reply to what I consider something like a personal attack.

Watch this Space... have a good weekend for now.

Isaac Kigozi

Pesticide use for Malaria Control in Africa (34)

Dr Isaac Kigozi,

I thank God for people like you, it shows indeed there are still
folks whose heads are screwed in the right place and have a
heart where there heart should be!!! I for one totally agree
with you. Africa's problems are rooted in the fact that some
powers that be, cannot stop interfering with other people's sov-
ereignty. However, as you know a human being is the weakest link
on this side of heaven, we shall continue to suffer as long as
there are people who have no INTEGRITY and SHAME. Africa should
learn from former Russian states, poverty kills whichever way
you look at it, and you can only trust the next person with your
life to a certain extent and not COMPROMISE at all costs.

May be it's time for Africa to show the world that you believe
you are equally made in GOD's own image and are capable of shap-
ing your destiny. Forget PRIDE and learn even from your so-
called enemies or oppresssors!!!

For instance, how did Europe get out of the RECESSION post

How did Ireland get through the potato blight, hunger and famine
in the past?

I think half the time we are our own enemies, we became totally
colonised IN our MINDS to an extend we still cannot be free of
some of those contraptions despite being recognised as "INDE-

Europeans turned to Africa during the recession and mined all
our wealth, BROUGHT IT BACK TO THEIR COUNTRIES and managed to
DEVELOP their countries, the did overstay but KEPT in touch with

What happens to Africans???

They go abroad to try and develop their land and what happens...
THEY GET SWALLOWED UP and forget to go back and develop their
land. Few keep in touch with the MOTHERLAND and fewer even reg-
ister interest in its welfare!!! TALK OF BRAIN DRAIN... more
like... the HUMAN DRAIN!!! Isn't it time to go back and make a
difference instead of perpetuating exploitation of our INTELLECT
among other things?

Aileen Jacobus