[afro-nets] Proposal Writing Training Course

Proposal Writing Training Course in the Field of HIV/AIDS, Tu-
berculosis and Malaria

The Graduate School, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
the Witwatersrand is delighted to announce a Proposal Writing
Course in the Field of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria from
the 23rd - 26th November 2004.

This course is designed to equip researchers with managerial
skills to meet competitive demands of proposal writing in re-
sponse to local and international funding opportunities. Pro-
posal writing skills are of particular interest to researchers
who intend to establish research groups with the capacity for
repeated grant funding.

ON OFFER: A selection of one or more of the following topics
will be covered in the final programme depending on partici-
pants� needs and interests:

* Selecting a Research Topic- the Essentials
* Principles of Proposal Development
* Perspectives of Successful Proposal Writing from Experienced
Grant Writers
* Explaining the Difference Between a Proposal and a Project
* Sources of Grant Funding in the Field of HIV/AIDS, TB and Ma-
* Panel Discussion with Funders and Reviewers of Proposals on
What to Look for in �Good Proposals�
* Reworking existing proposals to meet expectations of funding
* Dealing with rejection in grant writing
* Formulation of Work Plans, Budgets and Logical Frameworks
* Monitoring and Evaluation Tools for Effective Project Imple-
* Leadership and Grantsmanship � Teamwork for Leading Research
Groups in Collaborative and Large Inter-disciplinary research
* Networking with other participants from the SADC Region

FEES: Tuition fees to participate in the PWTC are ZAR 2,500 ex-
clusive of travel costs to the venue in Johannesburg as well as
accommodation and board expenses.

Prospective applicants should apply to WHO, UNDP, EU, UNAIDS,
SIDA, CDC, etc. National AIDS Councils, and Ministries of Health
which have funded such programmes in the past. The organizers
have secured a limited number of fellowships from the Belgium
Technical Co-operation for eligible researchers from the SADC
region. Each application should include a clearly articulated
motivation that indicates that the applicant would benefit from
the training.

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: The Proposal Writing Training Course
(PWTC) is planned for 20 mid-career researchers and academics
interested in the field of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
Teaching will be done by experienced local and regional facili-
tators from the SADC region who will be responsible for the
course material. The final programme will be based on the needs
of the participants who are expected to take responsibility for
their own learning by doing. There will be minimal didactic

LIMITED REGISTRATION: 20 places are available and these will be
allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The course is be-
ing advertised far and wide, so hurry and get your registration
forms in NOW!

Apply directly, preferably by fax or e-mail, with a short de-
scription (1 page) of your current professional qualifications
and motivation to participate, to:

Alison Mclean Mrs
Tel: +27-11-717-2075
Fax: +27-11-717-2119