AFRO-NETS> Request for free HIV/AIDS and STD prevention brochures (3)

Request for free HIV/AIDS and STD prevention brochures (3)

You may contact the AIDS & Mobility network. This is a network for HIV
& AIDS prevention targeting migrants, ethnic minorities, and other mo-
bile groups in Europe.

They are able to send you copies of materials, which you are able to

The coordination is in The Netherlands:

AIDS & Mobility
P.O. Box 500
3440 AM Woerden
The Netherlands

I know that Terence Higgins Trust in the UK (
for address) and Service Social des Etrangers (
have produced materials for women in respectively English and French
and diverse African languages. Anyway the coordination may have copies
of the materials.

Good luck,

Jeanette Deputter
Harare/ Zimbabwe

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