Request for recommended health resources
Dear fellow subscribers,
At Healthlink Worldwide we are compiling lists of useful resources in
various subject areas. Sometimes this is in response to a specific re-
quest, other times it is more generic and supports and informs our pub-
lications. Currently I am compiling a list of useful resources in the
following subject areas:
Trauma - with special reference to motor vehicle accidents, stab wounds
and assaults including common fractures and head injuries. (should be
relevant for management of above conditions in an African district hos-
Medical audit - practical and technical aspects, local guidelines espe-
cially where doctors recognise a problem and work out the solution
themselves rather than external critiques. (should be relevant for gen-
eral practitioners in Africa wishing to set up a medical audit system).
Rational use of antibiotics - prescribing habits of nurses and doctors.
It would also be useful to have information comparing the benefits be-
tween benzylpenicillin / ampicillin / gentamicin and cefuroxime / met-
ronidazole injections. Information on optimum duration of treatment
with IV antibiotics before changing to oral would also be very useful
(this request is more research based).
It would be useful to know of any books, articles, videos, pamphlets
etc., that you know about or use in your work. Similarly information on
practical experience and contacts of individuals or organisations that
have experience in any of the above topics would also be useful. We
will be happy to share the pooled information once it has been col-
Contact me directly with information that would not be relevant to all
subscribers at the following address:
Thank you very much in advance,
David Curtis
David Curtis
Healthlink Worldwide (formerly AHRTAG)
Farringdon Point
29-35 Farringdon Road
London EC1M 3JB, UK
Tel: +44-171-242-0606
Fax: +44-171-242-0041
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