[afro-nets] RFI: Diploma in Epidemiology and Statistics Placement

RFI: Advanced Diploma in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics

Dear All,

I am seeking information on possible UK Universities that are
offering advance diplomas in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics
in 2006 and still accepting applications.

Thank you for your anticipated support.

Jude Igumbor, MPH

RFI: Diploma in Epidemiology and Statistics Placement (2)

Dear Jude - the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
does a short course in Med stats and epidemiology during the
Summer. See:

It also has other longer courses in these subjects.

John Eyers
23 Sandfield Road
St Albans
Herts AL1 4JZ, UK
Tel +44-1727-838844

RFI: Diploma in Epidemiology and Statistics Placement (3)

Dear Colleague,

Try the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine or the
Liverpool School. I am not sure about the timing of the diploma
courses but you should be able to get it from their web site. I
recommend the first one as I was trained there.


Redempta Mbatia

RFI: Diploma in Epidemiology and Statistics Placement (4)

Dear Jude,

I did an MSc epidemiology with the LSHTM by distance learning
and have recently received the following Info. May be worthwhile
for you:

To all please forward this to anyone in a developing country in-
tending to do an MSc in Epidemiology.

Dear All

I am writing to let you know that the EPP MSc are able to offer
up to six Commonwealth Scholarships for the 2006-07 academic
session. If you know of anyone to whom these might be of inter-
est, please pass this information on. These are open to new stu-
dents registering in 2006 only.

The scholarships are open to citizens of developing countries
within the Commonwealth and the closing date for applications is
13 April 2006.

Full details and information on how to apply is available at:
or by e-mail from: mailto:DLscholarship@lshtm.ac.uk

Best wishes

MSc/PGDip EPP Course Organiser

Hope this helps.
Kind regards,

Edward Kunonga

Call for Proposals for the Collaborative Fund for Women and

The Collaborative Fund for HIV/AIDS Women and Families in Sub-
Saharan Africa calls for submissions of proposals from non gov-
ernmental and community based organizations seeking funding sup-
port for Treatment Literacy & Preparedness; Sexual Reproductive
Health and Rights issues for women living with HIV/AIDS; and
Strategic Income generation activities for empowerment, access
programs specifically for and lead by women living with
HIV/AIDS. Grants will be allocated to successful applications
for a period of up to one year to a maximum amount of 10,000 US

The objective of this grant is to support initiatives of women-
led, or PLWHA led organisations especially those that represent
specific interests of women living with HIV/AIDS.

Funding Priority Areas

The priority areas for funding include:
1. Treatment Literacy & Preparedness
2. Sexual Reproductive health and rights issues for women living
with HIV/AIDS: (examples)
- Human rights
- Cultural and traditions (women having ownership of their bod-
- Positive child focused ­ systems to address needs of positive
children and marginalised communities.
3. Strategic income generation activities for empowerment, ac-
cess specifically for and lead by women living with HIV/AIDS:
- Empowering HIV positive women to make their own decisions
­ e.g. good information on agricultural development in order to
increase on their produce
- Giving HIV positive women skills in order to take care of
their needs, coming up with sustainable solutions.

• Women Community Based Organizations that are specifically
dealing with HIV/AIDS and/or TB/HIV
• Women organizations that are dealing with SRHR: pap smears,
treatment and prevention of STIs in women, HIV treatments and
menopause, contraceptives and ARVs, adherence and body image &
ARVs etc.
• These organizations must be based and conduct their activities
in Sub Saharan Africa
• Strategic income generation activities should be economic pro-
ducing activities that will have a direct link to HIV/AIDS and
issues that affect women e.g. Sexual Reproductive Health &
Rights; access to care support and treatment , treatment liter-
acy; adherence
• Positive women should be leaders/owners of economic opportuni-
ties and organisations
• Joint projects/proposals between organizations are
also accepted for consideration.
• Proposals should at list address one of the three focus areas
mentioned above in the priority areas.

Organisations/Groups not eligible
- Organisations owned/led by male
- Organisation that have no current gender specific program
- Organisations outside the Sub-Saharan Region
- Individuals
- Well funded organisations
- Organisations that have already received funding from HIV Col-
laborative Funding from any of the regions

General guidelines
- One proposal per organisation
- All proposals to be submitted via email should be in WORD
- Accountability, transparency, ownership and
sustainability of the projects identified by any group are of
- It is also important for the beneficiaries to be given the op-
portunity to participate and take charge of the agreed projects
at all levels - empowerment is critical.
- Organisations applying should be committed to women's develop-
ment- or at least willing to implement the project using women's

How to Apply
Completely respond to all questions in the application form.
This form can be downloaded from the following websites:
http://www.patam.org; http://www.icw.org and

Please send completed application forms to:
The East African Regional Coordinator
International Community of women living with HIV/AIDS (ICW)
P.O. Box 27066
Kampala, Uganda
Tel.: +256-772-460-320 (for any clarifications)

Submission of Applications: Applications must be received by
20th April, 2006 at 5.00 p.m. East African Time.

Grant Award Announcement: Summer 2006