[afro-nets] RFI: Distance education training partners

Dear all

I am currently working as distance education project coordinator for health professionals in Ethiopia. I have the responsibility of initiating the project running the project, undertaking need assessment survey and total management of the project. Currently I have finalized the project needs assessment. This needs assessment has indicated the establishment of training center for distance learners.

If you know any potential supporting partner to help this project in organizing training centers on computers, text books and other educational materials I would like to send him/her detailed descriptions of our requirement. Would you indicate me any potential sites


Gizachew Balew
Distance Learning project coordinating Officer
AMREF in Ethiopia
PO BOX: 170973
Mobile: 251-911 96 8133 or
office: 913 847021
mailto:gbalew@gmail.com or

Dear Dr. Balew:

Our network, http://www.hintsystem.net might be able to provide some assistance and referrals to your project. Please send us your specific and detailed requirements.


Dr. Justin Odulana
Health International Network System
3168 Thirty Fifth Street South
La Crosse, WI 54601
Tel: +1.608.787.8997
Fax: +1.608.787.6660
Website: www.hintsystem.net