[afro-nets] RFI: Malaria International Course (3)

Dear Arsema Weldu,

I would like to recommend you the following course offered from AMREF (African Medical & Research Foundation) in Nairobi, Kenya:
This course "Malaria Prevention, Control and Management" is a short course over two weeks and will start in September 2008.

Furthermore I would like to invite you to have a closer look at our database
http://www.healthtraining.org. There you will find comprehensive information on postgraduate training and further education in the field of International Health.

I hope that this information will support you!

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

With kind regards,

Martina Staenke

Medicus Mundi Switzerland. Network Health for All.
Murbacherstrasse 34, CH-4013 Basel, Switzerland
Phone +41 61 383 18 10,