RFI: Public Health Research in Nigeria (3)
Dear Ade,
may I suggest iatrogenic transmission of HIV infection?
This is an extremely important and under researched area with a
huge potential for impact at public health level.
I am copying this message to researchers/activists in the field
who might be able to help you and whose work I encourage you to
read (you can ask them directly and I could send you some lit-
erature too). If you start thinking seriously about this I also
suggest you read the "South African National HIV prevalence, HIV
incidence, behaviour and communication Survey, 2005". The impor-
tance of this document, commissioned by the Nelson Mandela Foun-
dation and published in November 2005 by the Human Sciences Re-
search Council as a follow-up of the 2002 South African House-
hold Survey, simply cannot be overestimated.
It can be downloaded for free from http://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/index.asp
and printed copies can be ordered. I don't know where you are
based: should you have difficulties downloading what is a very
large document I can send it to you as PDF file.
Best wishes,
Dr Valeria Frighi
University Dept. of Psychiatry
Warneford Hospital
Oxford, OX3 7JX, UK