AFRO-NETS> RFI: Publication of Health Management Study (3)

RFI: Publication of Health Management Study (3)

I received your e-mail concerning health management in Mozam-
bique. Sounds interesting. I work for a consulting company that
specializes in emerging markets. We represent one of the three
major hospitals in Boston, the New England Medical Center, and
are involved in managing several hospital projects in Africa. I
would be interested to learn more about what you are doing and
I will think about some possible journals when I get a better

I am also interested in what you think about the health care
sector in Mozambique and any other countries you may work in.
We are continually trying to evaluate which countries offer
good working environments in health.

You may e-mail me or phone either myself or my assistant Car-
line Dorcena at Tel.: +1-617-646-1000


Roger Berry

Roger S. Berry
GPC / O'Neill
Tel: +1-617-646-1048
Fax: +1-617-646-1290

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