Scientists for Health And REsearch for Development (SHARED)
Dear colleagues and friends,
SHARED is out for general use. Have a look.
SHARED is a Web-based interactive database with projects allowing the
user to search for and contact people and institutes involved in In-
ternational Health. SHARED is now freely accessible to the public.
SHARED stands for Scientists for Health And REsearch for Development.
SHARED started as a bottom-up initiative of a group of scientists
from Africa and Europe to develop a co-ordinated approach for SHARING
essential information on Health Research and Development for Develop-
ing Countries. Originally supported by the EC programme INCO-DC (sec-
tor Health), SHARED has rapidly developed into a multilateral initia-
tive including partners from various countries and national and in-
ternational organisations. Regional networks are under development in
Africa and in Latin America.
SHARED will facilitate more effective networking and co-ordination.
It allows scientists and policy makers to retrieve and compare infor-
mation, to look at relevance, opportunities and gaps, to find new
partners and funds, in all, to make better decisions.
Our practical approach: SHARED has developed a backbone to enable a
truly participatory approach to the SHARING of essential public in-
formation, and making it available to everyone. SHARED Focal Points
are responsible for data entry and management and have their 'own
shelf' in the virtual SHARED library. SHARED has now developed the
full On-line (as well as Off-line) technology to make decentralised
(i.e. local) management of the databases possible and extremely user-
Please visit the SHARED Web-site and add your project-information at:
SHARED is now actively looking for National and Organisational Focal
Points and for Sponsors to enable expansion of the Focal Point Net-
work in Developing Countries. If you are interested, mail to
<>. We can give you tailored advice on how to proceed
based on our earlier experiences.
We welcome all comments and contributions!
The SHARED Core Team
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
P.O. Box 93138
2509 AC Den Haag
The Netherlands
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Postfach 5180
D-65726 Eschborn, Germany
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `'.
Mail administrative requests to `'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `'.