[afro-nets] Sexual Violence Desk Review

Sexual Violence Desk Review

Dear Colleagues,

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative is currently undertaking
a desk review to identify: (1) the existing knowledge on women's
perceptions of and responses to sexual violence, particularly
effects on their mental health and lives; (2) the existing
knowledge on women's psychological and psychosocial needs after
sexual assault and the models of service provision to address
these and; and (3) to analyze these approaches and identify gaps
in the knowledge base where further research is warranted.

The desk review will be based on the international research lit-
erature on this subject (including both published and grey lit-
erature), and seeks to answer the following questions:

* What are women's psychological and psychosocial needs immedi-
ately after sexual assault and in the intermediate and long

* What models of practice are used in high and low income set-
tings to provide psychological and psychosocial services?

* What are the strengths and weaknesses of these models?

* Is there any evidence that some models, or certain organiza-
tional structures are more effective than others?

The review covers all regions but focuses on evidence from low
and middle income countries. Cultural and linguistic influences
on sexual violence impact are also to be included, for example,
variations in understanding the causes of sexual violence, the
social and health impact of violence, and preferred approaches
to healing.

I am now in the initial stages of the desk review and would very
much value your input on specific issues within this framework
that you think should be included, as well as any resources that
you think may be especially useful. As the exercise is intended
to highlight current research gaps in this area, your experience
and knowledge of not only what is available, but also what is
not available, will be very helpful. Any input, suggestions, and
ideas can be sent to mailto:erowley@jhsph.edu

With many thanks,

Elizabeth Rowley
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Center for International Emergency, Disaster, and Refugee Studies
Tel: +1-443-287-4842