Steps Must Be Taken To Avoid Resistance To Malaria Drug (4)
Dear colleagues,
I found it very important to comment on the steps used to avoid
resistance to Malaria drugs. Much has been said on prescription,
and some are saying less use, what is less use? As resistance
comes due to improper use, under-dosage and others, now we need
to understand that its not only doctors and patients that con-
tribute to drug resistance. Drug manufacturers and governments
are much to blame. We should be alert that counterfeiting is
around. What fuels resistance can be lack of good manufacturing
quality standards, lack of quality control on medicines to be
exported, lack of regulation of medicines in different coun-
tries. I strongly think that if medicines markets can be well
regulated, resistance can be reduced, hence the public and pub-
lic health will be protected. I was shocked to read that even in
Europe 10% of drugs on the market are counterfeit and even in
America there are counterfeit medicines (current expert meeting
in France).
Let's unit to fight counterfeit medicines and evaluate the re-
sistance issue. This needs to be a joint venture by governments
and pharmaceutical companies, consumer organisations and many
other interested parties. Counterfeiters respects no boarders so
both rich and poor countries should unit to fight otherwise al-
most all health interventions will be at risk of failing.
Lets wake up and fight!!!
Norman Lufesi
Student, Section for International Health
University of Oslo, Institute of Community Medicine
Post box 1130 Blindern
N-0318 Oslo, Norway
Tel +47-22-85-0598
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