[afro-nets] Supercourse Newsletter, March 17, 2005

Supercourse Newsletter, March 17, 2005


Dear Friends,

Happy St. Patrick's day!

"You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your
grandfather was."
-- Irish Proverb

Lithuania Meeting: We have had an excellent response to the
meeting titled: Scientific Networking and the Supercourse for
the prevention of threat from man made and natural disasters,
which will be in August in Lithuania. If you or others would
like to go, please contact Faina (faina.linkov@gmail.com) or
Eugene (eshub@mail.nsk.ru) about your interest in coming to the
meeting. Please, do not forget to visit our website
http://www.pitt.edu/~super2/nato and register electronically.

Grant: We are submitting for yet another grant to the Fogarty
Foundation titled: Framework Programs for Global Health. It is a
small grant designed to bring more global health information
into the classrooms of the world. We already have our network
and vast experience in research to classroom activities with the
Supercourse. We plan to develop several interesting concepts;
the first is to expand our network to include more with global
health interests world wide. The second is to build a Golden
Lecture of Global Health, which would be the best lecture we
could create, where the lecture, or the slides of the lecture
could be used to teach students about global health. We will
also use our network of 20,300 to establish a system linking
young clinicians or researchers world wide with centers that
might host them. I would be happy to send to you the grant we
have developed at ronlaporte@aol.com. If you also are planning
to submit a grant yourself, we will send you ours, if you will
send us yours. We are in potentially good shape to obtain fund-
ing as we already have the largest network in existence, and we
have show that we can obtain global cooperation and collabora-

Library of Alexandria: We have been talking with a good friend,
Layla Abdelhady, the head librarian at the Librarian at the Li-
brary. She is considering putting our Supercourse Newsletter
onto their server at the Library. That would be �too cool� the
world can see how the Supercourse grew, as well as to find some
most interesting facts about Turkeys.

John Cutler: John Cutler was a faculty member at the School of
Public health who retired a few years ago and died. I met with
him several times to learn from his experiences in global
health. He was vice director at PAHO in the early days. He was a
very nice person. A John Cutler International health lecture
will be given. We are trying to have the Director General from
PAHO to give the talk, Dr. Rose, as this would be a very fitting
honor for him. I will let you know the date of the meeting.

March Madness: This is the time of the year of the NCAA play-
offs, it is really exciting times. The University of Pittsburgh
is in the basketball tournament this year, and will probably not
make it very far.

Lecture of the week:
A little while ago, our friend Dr. Sinha from India sent us a
beautiful lecture on the Epidemiology of Outbreaks
http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/lecture/lec9381/index.htm. Please
visit this lecture for beautiful descriptions of basic and not
so basic descriptions of epidemiological terms and concepts.
This lecture is a wonderful source of information for anybody
interested in field epidemiology.

Indian Supercourse Network -
320 members, 70 lectures

The Indian Supercourse network is growing by leaps and bounds.
We just added 70 new members to our network in a short span of 3
months. Please visit our website at
http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/india/india.htm. We would love to
receive new lectures from you. The Indian Supercourse Network is
a collection of lectures in Public Health and Community Medi-
cine, on topics of particular interest to teachers and students
in India. If you or your friends or colleagues would like to
join, please send a note to MitaL@pitt.edu

"Don't be breaking your shin on a stool that's not in your way."
-- Irish Saying

Best regards from: Ron, Soni, Faina, Mita, Eugene, Julia, Ellen,
Ezzeldin, Samar, Tom, Rania