AFRO-NETS> SWAA Conference Announcement

SWAA Conference Announcement

The Society for Women and AIDS in Africa, SWAA, a regional network with
30 country branches will hold its 7th Conference on Women and AIDS in
Africa under the theme: "Expanding the Response: Enhancing the Partici-
pation of Men" between December 14th - 17th, 1998 in Dakar, Senegal.

Preliminary subthemes reflecting issues of men and women include:
a) Vulnerability to infection;
b) Strategies for community-based communication;
c) Prevention;
d) Ethical, legal and psychosocial reponses;
e) Dynamics of infection.

SWAA was founded in 1988 to mobilize women, young people and communi-
ties in Africa to respond to the threat HIV/AIDS poses to their lives.
SWAA provides the forum for individuals, groups and communities to
build capacity, mobilize resources and implement activities towards re-
ducing the spread of HIV/AIDS and mitigating its impact.

The Dakar Conference will mark the 10th Anniversary of the Society. Re-
cently, a SWAA regional office has been established in Dakar and is run
by Dr. Elisabeth Benga-De, a medical doctor and public health special-
ist, who is a graduate of the University of Dakar and the University of
Washington, Seattle, USA.

Individuals and groups interested in participating in the Conference
should please contact:

The President
SWAA Senegal,
Pr. Charlotte Faty Ndiaye
(Chairperson, 7th SWAA Conference)
B.P. 7504, Medina, Dakar, Senegal
Tel: +221-823-8847
Fax: +221-824-3722

As we are still in the process of formulating the Conference agenda,
your input will be most welcome. Also, we are trying to raise money to
ensure that we have ample African regional participation, and would
like representatives from other regional networks and groups from Asia
and Latin America to participate. Please direct any input you have on
fund-raising and for the Conference agenda to:

Eka Esu-Williams
President, SWAA

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