AFRO-NETS> Test Health CD-ROMs in Ethiopia

Test Health CD-ROMs in Ethiopia

Participate in the testing of an innovative computer program for health
care providers!

The Quality Assurance Project (QAP) seeks testers of the newest version
of the Quality Assurance Kit (QAK). QAP is devoted to improving the
quality of health, population and nutrition services around the world
through technical support to service health delivery institutions, Min-
istries of Health, USAID Missions, and field-based cooperating agen-

QAK is a CD-ROM learning tool that provides the latest quality assur-
ance methods and tools to international health providers and teams.
Perhaps you are getting involved with quality assurance (QA) for the
first time and want to learn about QA approaches and methods. Or per-
haps you are a seasoned QA practitioner with years of experience in QA
and want to access a particular QA tool or concept. QAP designed QAK
with this entire range of user experience levels in mind.

QAP is looking for health providers, ranging from community health
workers to regional health authorities interested or involved in im-
proving quality of health care. Your participation in this test is im-
portant in helping us finalize QAK and develop new products that meet
your needs as a health provider.

Testing requirements:

* Availability for a total of 6-10 hours on either October 5, 6, or 7
  in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
* Fairly good command of English;
* Currently certified health worker (community health worker, nurse,
  doctor, health manager, etc.) with an interest in improving quality of
  health services delivery;
* Willingness to be interviewed and participate in group activities
  during the testing of QAK.

Note: Prior computer experience is not necessary.

Registration Information
An adequate daily allowance will be provided to those partaking in the
full 3-day program. The number of places is limited. Interested candi-
dates should register before September 25 by submitting the following

Full Name:
E-mail Address (optional):
Daytime Phone (optional):
Work Organization:
Time of day you are available during October 5, 6, and 7 (indicate the
following choice): 8:30am-12:30pm or 2pm-6pm
Brief description of your familiarity with computers (how often do you
use one? for what purpose?):
Brief description of the software/applications you usually use and for
what activities:
Brief description of any experience with the Internet:
Brief description of any experience (training, team effort at work,
literature read) with improving or maintaining quality in health care:

Please provide your registration information to either one of the fol-
lowing addresses. We will notify you of your acceptance into the test-
ing group by Sept. 30.

E. Knebel
QAK Testing
Center for Human Services
Suite 600
7200 Wisconsin Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20814-4811, USA
Fax: +1-301-941-8427
Tel: +1-301-941-8426

Dr. Guido Groenen
P.O. Box 165
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-1-711524
Fax: +251-1-711199
Your participation is highly valued! We look forward to hearing from

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