AMREF International Training Centre is pleased to announce the training course in:
Strategic Management in Health and Development Programmes Course
Course Dates:
26 May 2008 - 30 May 2008 (1 week)
Overall Objective
The general objective of the course is to enable the middle level managers to develop competencies that are relevant and applicable in their work environment as corporate managers.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the course the participants should be able to:
* Identify management skills necessary for effectiveness in an organization;
* Describe the concept of management;
* Describe financial management and its application to individual and organizational success;
* Identify and appreciate the dynamics of risk management and the fact that risk management encompasses more than just financial risk management;
* Describe the HR function and how to recruit and retain staff;
* Manage time effectively;
* Solve problems with greater foresight and draw on their negotiation skills;
* Improve on their presentation skills;
* Describe mentoring and coaching and their relevance in health;
* Develop their negotiation skills.
The course is divided into the following four main units:
Unit 1: Introduction to Management and Management Concepts
Unit 2: Environmental Analysis and risk management
Unit 3: Management and People Skills
Unit 4: Finance management for non-finance people
Unit 5: Mentoring and coaching
Target Group
Senior and middle level managers in strategic leadership of health and development programmes.
Apply Online by clicking on the given link;
For further information and booking contact us now
AMREF International Training Centre
Lang'ata Road, opp. Wilson Airport
P O Box 27691 00506, Nairobi
Phone: +254 (20) 6993000 or Fax: +254 (20) 609 518
Email: / or visit our
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