[afro-nets] Course Announcement: Health Services Organisation and Management Course for District Health Managers

Course Topic: Health Services Organisation and Management Course for District Health Managers


Objectives of the course

By the end of the course, participants would have:

1. Gained concise understanding of the principles and main functions of management as applied in the health sector
2. Acquired appropriate knowledge and skills in:
  * Organising, planning and managing health services at district (county) level
  * Organisational assessment
  * Proposal writing and resource mobilisation
  * Monitoring and evaluation
  * Resource management at district level (county)
  * Financial management
  * Designing and conducting health systems research

Course outline

The following topics will be covered:

1. Health sector management and health economics
2. Results Based Management (RBM) of health services
3. Applying RBM in planning district health services
4. Composition and roles of District Health Management Teams
5. Organising district health services; Role of hospitals and clinics in health care systems
6. Health Sector Reform issues and challenges
7. Internal and external organisational assessment
8. Health Management Information System (HMIS)
9. Proposal writing
10. Resource mobilisation and fundraising
11. Monitoring and Evaluating health care services
12. Supervision in health services
13. Participation in health care services
14. Resource management at district health level
15. Partnerships and networking in health care service delivery
16. Audits, protocols and standards in health care service management
17. Financial management
18. Management of time, space and paperwork
19. Health systems research
20. Introduction to data processing using SPSS
21. Formulation of data collection tools
22. Field data collection practical
23. Data analysis, report writing and presentation

Apply Online on the link;
Download the short courses application form on link;

OR Contact the following persons:

Lydia on Training@amref.org

Joan Mutero on
WEBSITE: http://www.amref.org/