Treatment for Lymphatic Filariasis (4)
Following please find some information, which may be useful for the
people of the AFRO-NETS group. I am also in the process of uploading
on our web site a couple of publications which will give useful in-
formation on how to manage lymphoedema with simple measures that can
be implemented at home. They should be online next week. These will
be useful for answering questions like the one of the patient from
India. For a more general view on the disease you may also refer to
our recently updated fact sheet available on the WHO intranet (Fact
Sheet 102 Rev. March 1999).
The Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis has two major objec-
1) to stop the spread of filarial infection (i.e. interrupt transmis
sion) in all endemic countries, and
2) to alleviate and prevent the suffering and disability of affected
individuals (i.e. control morbidity). As an added benefit, the
drugs used have a very broad effect against other parasitic infec-
tions, especially intestinal parasites, which are a particular bur-
den to children in areas where these exist alongside lymphatic
The principal strategy for interrupting transmission of infection is
to treat the entire 'at risk' population with a single administration
of two drugs given together once yearly for 4-6 years. The goal of
such treatment is to protect the next generation from elephantiasis
and other manifestations of filarial disease by breaking the cycle of
infection between mosquitoes and humans.
To address the physical, social and economic hardship in individuals
who already present clinical manifestations of the disease such as
lymphoedema, hydrocoele, elephantiasis of the limbs or genitals, or
secondary infections associated with damaged lymphatics, simple, ef-
fective hygiene measures are advocated. These are dramatically effec-
tive in preventing painful, debilitating and damaging episodes of
lymphangitis and can even reverse much of the damage already sus-
tained. They consist of regular washing with soap and water, regular
exercising of the limbs, and other simple activities easily carried
out in the home.
I hope that this information helps.
Dr Francesco A. Rio
Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination (CEE/FIL)
Communicable Diseases Eradication and Elimination
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22-791-3833
Fax: +41-22-791-4777
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