AFRO-NETS> RFI: Treatment for Lymphatic Filariasis

RFI: Treatment for Lymphatic Filariasis

Dear Sirs,

I am a patient of Lymphatic Filariasis and currently undergoing treat-
ment in one of the clinics in Mumbai - India. The disease has struck my
right leg. I am aware of this disease, the cause etc. but I am told
there is no viable cure, only the development can be arrested and some
relief can be attained by pressure therapy etc.

I would like to know if there is any cure for this disease and if it is
available in India. It would be very kind of you if you could furnish
this information via e-mail to the address that I am using now. I would
appreciate if you can suggest me any medication or refer me to any
treatment schedule. At present there is not much that I am getting in
terms of advice. Your enlightenment would go a long way in helping me.


S.A. Mahadik

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