[afro-nets] U.K. Health Service Bought Anti-retroviral Drugs Illegally (2)

U.K. Health Service Bought Anti-retroviral Drugs Illegally (2)

Dear Colleagues

I am disgusted, but not the least bit surprised. The transpar-
ency and accountability regime of the official relief and devel-
opment assistance (ORDA) industry is very, very weak, including
that of the Global Fund.

The "market economy" is alive and well. Intended beneficiaries
in crisis lose out, and bluntly put, die. That is the system,
and it needs to be changed.

I would like to hear from the GFATM's local fund agents (LFAs)
about the product flows and the leakage, and also from the coun-
try coordinating mechanisms (CCMs).

How come the British NHS is involved in this, and a lot of Brit-
ish intermediaries? Probably every nation in the world is in-
volved in the racket in some way or other.

Peter Burgess
Tr-Ac-Net in New York