[afro-nets] UCSF Multidisciplinary Analysis of HIV/AIDS in Uganda

UCSF Multidisciplinary Analysis of HIV/AIDS in Uganda

As part of its Country AIDS Policy Analysis Project, the AIDS
Policy Research Center at the University of California San Fran-
cisco has published a multidisciplinary, fully referenced, peer-
reviewed analysis of HIV/AIDS in Uganda:

The paper includes sections on epidemiology, political economy,
socio-behavioural context, impact, and response -- at household,
sectoral, and macrolevels. It is accompanied by a comparative
table of 70 key HIV/AIDS and socioeconomic indicators. The
analysis is available in Word, PDF, and Text-only formats.

Using the link above, readers may also access UCSF's other coun-
try-level analyses.

Lisa Garbus, MPP
AIDS Policy Research Center
University of California San Francisco
74 New Montgomery Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94105, USA
Tel: +1-415-597-4974
Fax: +1-415-597-9213