[afro-nets] Vacancy: Coordinator of UNICEF's ICASA Participation

Vacancy: Coordinator of UNICEF's ICASA Participation

Find below our advert from a short term consultancy to coordi-
nate UNICEF's participation at the XIV ICASA, Abuja 2005. Inter-
ested candidates should send their applications as instructed
below. The qualified candidate will be required to resume imme-

Joshua Andi Emmanuel
UNICEF Nigeria


Coordinator of UNICEF's Participation at the XIV ICASA, Abuja

The International Conference on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmit-
ted Infections in Africa (ICASA), organized by the Society for
AIDS in Africa (SAA) will hold in Abuja, Nigeria, 4th - 9th De-
cember 2005. The selected theme for the conference "HIV/AIDS and
the Family" is expected to focus on how Africans can face the
challenges posed by HIV/AIDS at the family level.

UNICEF seeks to use the opportunity of ICASA in Abuja to organ-
ize a series of strategic events and presentation that reflects
the organization's important work on HIV/AIDS, particularly
around HIV and Young People, MTCTplus, Paediatric Care, support
and treatment, Children affected by HIV/AIDS. In view of this,
UNICEF Abuja and HQ entered into discussion with the ICASA Se-
cretariat to ensure the best way of achieving this objective.
ICASA Secretariat is prepared to receive any technical assis-
tance from UNICEF in order to meet these objectives. Conse-
quently UNICEF accepted to support a consultant.


1. Support the ICASA Secretariat and represent UNICEF to ensure
the participation of children, adolescents and youth in the
Youth Forum and the main conference

2. Provide technical assistance for the participation of chil-
dren, adolescents and youth

3. Liaise with the conference organizers and coordinate the par-
ticipation of UNICEF HQ, Regional and Country Offices.
3.1 Prepare a document that lists UNICEF participation in the
conference; abstracts submitted, UNICEF supported roundtables,
satellite sessions, plenary presentations.

4. Document the participation of children, adolescents/youth
groups and UNICEF through out the conference period

5. Represent UNICEF’s interests at the organizing committee
meetings and at the Youth pre-conference planning meetings as
delegated by the Chief, Protection and Participation Section

6. Participate in organizing pre-ICASA events and provide logis-
tic support for UNICEF participants during the conference

7. Perform any other responsibilities as may be assigned by the
Chief, Protection and Participation Section, UNICEF.


• Advance university degree in social sciences or related fields
• Experience in working with and facilitating meetings with
   children and young people in HIV and AIDS related areas
• Ability to coordinate and network with partners
• Good communication and writing skills
• Relevant computer skills

Duration: 5 months.
Remuneration: UNICEF Consultancy scale.

Applicants should write to the address below, enclosing a writ-
ten statement of not more that 1,000 words starting how their
knowledge and experience qualifies them for the post. A recent
copy of their CV and photocopies of relevant certificates should
be attached. In line with the GIPA principle, applications are
also particulary welcomed from persons living with HIV and AIDS.

You application should addressed to:

Chief, Protection and Participation Programme
UNICEF, UN House, Plot 617/618, Diplomatic ZOne, Central Busi-
ness District
PMB 2851, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria

Applications can also be sent by e-mail to:

RFI: Public Health Medicine Training in Africa

Greetings and I hope you are well. My enquiry relates to the na-
ture of Public Health Medicine Training in Africa. I have just
passed my part 1 membership exams for the Faculty of Public
Health Medicine (UK) and still can't get a training post. I want
to find out whether we have in Africa a similar training scheme
for Consultants in Public Health Medicine. If we do, does anyone
have the details?

Your assistance is sincerely appreciated.

Kind regards,

Edward Kunonga

RFI: Public Health Medicine Training in Africa (2)

The following programs are offered at the Wits School of Public
Health, Johannesburg, South Africa. (Closing date for applica-
tion 31 September 2005)

Master of Medicine (in the branch of community health) (MMed)
MSc in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
MSc in Field Epidemiology
Masters in Public Health and Diploma in Public Health
Masters in Occupational Hygiene
Diploma in Occupational Health

Website: http://www.health.wits.ac.za/publichealth/

Ronel Kellerman