AFRO-NETS> Violence against women and its consequences on women's health

Violence against women and its consequences on women's health

A question regarding the issue of violence against women and sexual
abuse and its consequences for women's health.

A colleague is looking for an African OB/GYN who may be interested in
this issue. This colleague, Berit Schei, OB/GYN, professor at NTNU,
Norway, is conducting various types of research on health consequences
of abusive relationships and need someone to be involved with this is-
sue in FIGO contexts.

Johanne Sundby,
Section for Medical Anthropology,
University of Oslo,
Institute of Community Medicine.
Post box 1130
Blindern, N-0318
Tel: +47 22 85 05 98
Fax: +47 22 85 05 90

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