[afro-nets] Worldwide malaria deaths may be almost twice as high as previously estimated, a study reports (2)

The report is quite interesting but the facts on the ground may suggest that deaths due to Malaria should be falling especially with sustained campaign in Nigeria (and other Malaria prone Countries ) where our organization is involved in the Community social Mobilization and RDT outreaches as part of a Global Fund project through Society For Family Health (SFH). In the rural communities where we work, the response has been very encouraging, people's attitude to Malaria is changing and the environment is getting good attention in terms of cleanliness.

The recent free LLIN distribution in Lagos state has increased uptake of the product and the sustained hand-up compliance campaign will definitely reduce Malaria associated deaths in the long run . RDT services have also increased malaria case detection and treatment with ACT at the communities and these efforts should lead to reduction in deaths due to Malaria.

The major problem found, is most on -going intervention in Nigeria (and may be in many other countries) are donor driven and very little is done at the rural communities where most health care services are in short supply. Most people treat malaria at Home which could lead to even deaths and very many of such cases may never be reported. Scaled-up interventions especially social mobilization at the rural communities and expanded access to treatment will hopefully reverse this disturbing trend

Evans Enwefah