E-drug: Advertising in national formularies (cont)
Dear Vanda,
In Britain the national drug formulary is the British National Formulary
(BNF), now in its 39th edition. It is a joint publication of the
British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of
Great Britain. It does not include advertisements.
In Australia our national drug formulary is the Australian Medicines
Handbook (AMH) now in its 2nd edition. The AMH results from a
partnership between the Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and the
Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and
Toxicologists. It does not include advertisements from the
pharmaceutical industry.
In both countries there are other publications--compendia of drug
data from the pharmaceutical industry (data sheets in Britain,
prescribing information in Australia). These publications carry
large numbers of adverts for drugs, but would not be considered as
'national formularies'.
I hope this will help,
Eve Hurley
Australian Medicines Handbook Senior Editor
(08) 8222 5872 Fax (08) 8222 5863
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