E-DRUG: Assistance for Research on differential pricing
Dear all,
For the department of political sciences (international relations) at the University of Amsterdam, I am currently busy with a research project in cooperation with Prof. Dr. G.C.A. Junne, Professor International Relations at the University of Amsterdam. The research is titled 'Access to medicines in developing countries: pharmaceuticalindustry's pricing policy scrutinized.'
The starting point of the research is the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility, from where on I specified the theme to access to medicines in developing countries and from there to differential pricing. I call on your help and opinion for the part of the research that deals with differential pricing. Further on in this email, you will be able to find a questionnaire about differential pricing (one for organizations, one for pharmaceutical companies). Of course you can also send me an email and ask for the questionnaire to be attached as a Word document. [Please email for questionnaire, it has been deleted from this posting. KM] I would like to ask you to take some minutes to answer the questions from the point of view of your company/your organization. Pay attention please that the questionnaire for organizations is somewhat different from that for pharmaceutical companies. The deadline for the response is Wednesday, the 23rd of March 2005 (later contributions might also still be used).
If you are interested, I will send you a copy of the research report once this is finished and approved.
Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation,
With kind regards,
Susanne Klawer
Reinier Claeszenstraat 56-2
1056 WN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email: susanne@klawer.com
Tel.: +31-6-24519181 / +31-20-6121325