E-DRUG: ATC classification (cont)

E-drug: ATC classification (cont)
Three contributors have provided information. Thank you very much.
Beverley Snell, co-moderator

1. from David Ng

The only ATC database I have uncovered during my travels on the web exists
at the European Community Pharmaceutical Information Network Website.
Unfortunately, its use is limited by the fact that it only provides the ATC
codes for the particular medicinal compound. Thus, if you require other
information e.g. DDD's, you may be disappointed. Nonetheless, it's better
than nothing. No username or password is currently required, but you will
need to click the log in button using the default username and password

The site also provides other useful data e.g. toxicology, analytical methods,
pharmacology, and carcinogenicity.

David Ng, BPharm MClinPharm
Pharmacist, Australia
E-mail: davester@ozemail.com.au

2. from Lisa Pont

There is a copy of the ATC classification avaliable on the internet
at http://www.ephmra.org/. I am not sure which version of the ATC
classification it is.
The latest ATC classification is avaliable from
WHO Collaborating Center for Drug statistics and Methodology (Oslo,
email address whocc@nmd.no
I hope this helps
Lisa Pont B.Sc, B.Pharm
Department of Health Sciences
University of Groningen
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
ph: +31 50 363 6858
fax:+31 50 363 3082
"L.PONT" <l.pont@med.rug.nl>

3. from Charmian Common

The WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology now has its
own website, which can be found at the following address:


It includes both the ATC classification and DDDs.

Ms Charmian Common
Technical Assistant, QSM

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