E-drug: Bibliographies: Youth and HIV/AIDS. Access to Treatment
Bibliographies: Youth and HIV/AIDS. Access to Treatment.
We are currently engaged in the production of two bibliographies: one
on Youth and HIV/AIDS and the other on Access to Treatment. We
would value your input on these. Any information on available;
publications, useful websites and any other resources related to youth
or to access to treatment would be greatly appreciated.
The completed bibliographies will be available on both our websites:
http://www.aidsconsortium.org.uk and
http://www.stopaidscampaign.org.uk/ as well as via e-mail request.
Thank you for your input.
Richard Walker
Communication & Administration Officer
UK Consortium on AIDS & International Development
New City Cloisters
196 Old Street
London EC1V 9FR, U.K.
tel: 020 7251 6201
e-mail: ukaidscon@gn.apc.org
Web: www.aidsconsortium.org.uk
Web: www.stopaidscampaign.org.uk
The UK Consortium on AIDS & International Development is a group
of more than 60 UK based organisations which work together to
understand and develop effective approaches to the problems
created by the HIV epidemic in developing countries. It enables each
agency to bring its own experience to be shared and used to help all
the members improve their responses to the epidemic, through:
information exchange - networking - advocacy - and campaigning.
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