[e-drug] Community PRDU course Jaipur, India, 10-21 Dec 2006

E-DRUG: Community PRDU course Jaipur, India, 10-21 Dec 2006

Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur, India
December 10-21, 2006

[Please see contact address for info, do NOT respond to E-drug]

This is a ground-breaking and very successful 12 day course developed by WHO to meet requests from many individuals and organizations, and to respond to a clear need for more effective planning, research and implementation of rational medicines use practices in the community. It is a condensed version adopted from the official two weeks WHO course on 'Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community' for health programme staff from ministries of health, universities, development agencies, nongovernmental and other organizations, and individuals interested in improving drug use in the community being organized for the 4th time in India.

The course concentrates on methods to study and remedy inappropriate medicine use in the community, including an analysis of what shapes medicines demand. Participants will be exposed to practical approaches to investigating and prioritizing medicine use problems, and how to develop effective strategies for change.

There will also be a focus on rational use of drug use in HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infections. The participants will have an opportunity for training on patients living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) and a net discussion on issues related to HIV/AIDS therapy.

The course is participatory in nature and uses the knowledge, skills and experiences of participants as a major resource throughout. Teaching methods include group activities, fieldwork, presentations and discussions. The course will be conducted in English, and given its interactive nature, the participants are required to have a good command of this language to participate efficiently. The course materials have been developed as per the guidelines of WHO and the International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) in collaboration with eminent colleagues in this field. The participants will thus be exposed to a wide range of national and international experience.


WHO SEARO, New Delhi
Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs (DSPRUD), New Delhi, India
Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA)
Rajasthan Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs (RSPRUD), Jaipur, India
Quality Network for Rational Drug Management in Primary Health Care www.qu4rad.net
Jawahar S. Bapna
Indian Institute of Health Management Research
1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Airport Road
Jaipur - 302 011, INDIA


Current access to medicines scenario
What influences medicines use by the consumers
Investigating medicines use pattern and identifying problems
How to prioritize problems related to medicines use in the community
Conducting a rapid appraisal to analyze problem and identification of solutions
Fieldwork and data analysis
Monitoring and evaluation
Face-to-face education
Advocacy and networking
Developing research projects linked to Developing research projects linked to Interventions
Understanding rational use of drug use in HIV/AIDS
Care and support of PLHA Interventions


The fee of US$ 550 (Rs 24,750) covers shared accommodation at the Institute guest house, tuition, course materials, field visit, airport pickup, and three meals a day. Interested candidates may send CV along with the plan of activities related to RUD that they would like to conduct in their institute/region after attending the course. The last date for the receipt of applications is 31 October 2006.


Jawahar S. Bapna, MSc (Med), PhD is Professor of Health and Pharma Management at the Indian Institute of Health Management Research. He has conducted extensive field surveys, data collection for research projects with agencies like WHO, World Bank, EU, Euro Health Group and MSH at primary care level. He has experience of working with essential drugs and vaccines programmes under WHO-India Essential Drugs Programme as Vice-President of Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs. jbapna@iihmr.org

Prem C. Dandiya, PhD (Toronto) is the Emeritus Professor, SMS Medical College, Jaipur and President, RSPRUD. He has been the President of Indian Pharmacological Society, Pharmacy Council of India and Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Associations. He has an extensive experience in the area of the utilization of pharmaceutical services and training on RUD. dandiya@sancharnet.in

Shiv D. Gupta, MD, PhD (Johns Hopkins) is Director, Indian Institute of Health Management Research, He has experience in the area of Information Management with reference to planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health systems research in India. sdgupta@iihmr.org

Nirmal Gurbani, PhD is head of public health Institute, Jaipur. He is the secretary of Rajasthan Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs. Currently he is the coordinator of WHO-India Essential Drugs Programme. dsprud@satyam.net.in

Kunda Gharpure, MD is MD is Associate Professor in Pharmacology at Medical College Nagpur. Trained by WHO-HAI he has been associated with medicine pricing project.. He attended PRUDC 2005 course at IIHMR, Jaipur 2005.

Margaretha Helling Borda, has been former Director of the WHO Action Programme on Essential Drugs, Geneva, Switzerland. She has been the Secretary of the WHO First Expert committee on National Drug Policies and has worked in more than 70 developed and developing countries. She has worked and continue to work as public health consultant, particularly in Sout East Asia and the Western Pacific regions" m.helling-borda@bluewin.ch

Kathleen A. Holloway, FRCP, MRCGP, PhD, is a medical officer with the Department of Medicines Policy and Standards, WHO Geneva, where she has worked for the past 6 years on promoting rational use of medicines and containing antimicrobial resistance. Prior to WHO she worked for 10 years in clinical practice and public health in Asia and 11 years as a clinician in the UK. hollowayk@who.int

Pooran Joshi PhD is Professor of Anthropology, University of Delhi. He has the experience in the area of qualitative research in different types of health facilities settings. med_anthro_ihbas@hotmail.com

Gurdas Khilnani, MD is Professor and Head, Pharmacology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur. He participated in WHO sponsored Pharmaco-economics Course in India. He is a resource person for the European Commission supported RUD programme in Rajasthan.

Mukul Mathur, PhD is Associate Professor in Pharmacology at SMS Medical College, Jaipur. He participated in RUD studies in Rajasthan and good laboratory practuces inspection at Delhi. mathur_mukul@rediffmail.com

Ranjit Roychaudhury, MD is Health Advisor Government of India, Chair INCLEN, UNESCO Professor at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok and Emeritus Professor at the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi. He is Coordinator of the India-WHO Programme in Rational Use of Drugs. He has worked with WHO as Regional Advisor in Pharmaceuticals at EMRO, Alexandria and introduced programmes on RUD in nineteen countries in the region. dsprud@satyam.net.in

Sangeeta Sharma MD is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences. She also worked as Technical Coordinator, India - WHO Essential Drugs Programme, Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs. She compiled the Standard Treatment Guidelines and User's Manual on Drugs for pharmacists and patients and has experience in the area of prescribing behaviour of physicians. sharmasangeeta2003@yahoo.com

Vijay R. Thawani, MD is Associate Professor in Pharmacology at Medical College Nagpur. Trained by WHO-HAI he has been associated with medicine pricing project.. He attended PRUDC 2005 course at IIHMR, Jaipur 2005. He is one of the Directors of Indian Academy for Rational Use of Drugs (IARUD). vijaythawani@rediffmail.com

Krisantha Weerasuriya, MD, PhD, FRCP is a clinical pharmacologist and is Regional Adviser in Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy (EDM) Programme at the WHO South-East Asia Regional Organization (SEARO) office at New Delhi, India. WeerasuriyaK@WHOSEA.ORG

Sunitha Srinivas