E-DRUG: Compilation of sources of medicine price information
An updated compilation of national and multi-county sources of medicine
price information that can be accessed through the internet is now
available on the HAI Global Medicine Prices website
We are very interested to hear of any other sources that you may know of
any additional sources which we can add to the lists.
Regards, Martin
Martin Auton, Global Projects Officer (Pricing)
Health Action International (HAI) - Global
Overtoom 60/III
1054 HK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 683 3684
Fax: +31 20 685 5002
Email: martin@haiweb.org <mailto:martin@haiweb.org>
Web site: http://www.haiweb.org/>
Dr. Klara Tisocki, B.Pharm., M.Sc., Ph.D.
European Commission Technical Assistance for Health Sector Policy
Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)
Civic Drive, Alabang, Muntinlupa City, Philippines
Tel./Fax:+ 63(0)2-807-8285; Mobile:+63(0)920-9076956
Email: klara.tisocki@gtz.de, ktisocki@yahoo.ie
E-DRUG: Compilation of sources of medicine price information (3)
Hi Martin
Additional sources of medicine price data:
NHS Generic Pharmaceuticals electronic Market Information Tool (eMIT)
The data that will be provided includes an estimate of NHS
hospital-sector annual usage from English trusts for the product
selected, the average (weighted arithmetic mean) price paid for that
product over the last four months of the period and a measure of the
variance of that average.
E-DRUG: Compilation of sources of medicine price information (5)
Dear Colleagues
I have tried to prepare some simple comparisons of prices in different
markets and in different levels of the supply chain ... but cannot
find much source material from the referenced website. The database
part of the site does not work with the two browsers that I use ...
Chrome and Mozilla. Everything else on the site seems to be "survey
report" conclusions with very little of the basic data accessible.