[e-drug] Configuration of pharmaceutical warehouses

E-DRUG: Configuration of pharmaceutical warehouses

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for information on the configuration of pharmaceutical
warehouses to optimize logistical flows (e.g. how to organise racking).
Are there any books or other kind of information, available on this

With kind regards

Ed Vreeke
Pharmaceutical consultant
Plantage Muidergracht 182
1018 TW Amsterdam
Mobile: 31 (0) 6 13 56 03 94

E-DRUG: Configuration of pharmaceutical warehouses (2)

The USAID|DELIVER Project has a nice guideline that will provide you with
some initial thinking on configurations. It can be found on the DELIVER
Publications site http://deliver.jsi.com/dlvr_content/resources/allpubs/guidelines/GuidStorEsse_Pock.pdf

   Guidelines for the Storage of Essential Medicines and Other Health
   Commodities (2,040 KB)
   Author(s): DELIVER Project in collaboration with the World Health
   Date of Publication 2006

This guide is a practical reference for those managing or involved in
setting up a storeroom or warehouse. It contains written directions and
clear illustrations on receiving and arranging commodities; special
storage conditions; tracking commodities; maintaining the quality of the
products; constructing and designing a medical store; and waste
management; as well as additional resources. (Revised March 2006)


Keith Neroutsos
Director of Procurement

E-DRUG: Configuration of pharmaceutical warehouses (3)

Dear Collegue,
Best resource is MSH BOOK Managing Drug Supplies,

Khalid Saeed Bukhari
Coordinator/Team Leader For E.D.M.
WHO, Islamabad, Pakistan
Mob.# +92-300-4005935

E-DRUG: Configuration of pharmaceutical warehouses (5)

Dear colleagues,

UNHCR has good guidelines "UNHCR Drug Management Manual 2006". It is a compilation of best practices, based on references from other sources, such as the 2nd eddition of Managing Drug Supply (MSH in collaboration with WHO), Guidelines for the Storage of Essential Medicines and Other health Commodities ( John Snow, Inc./ DELIVER in collaboration with WHO), and various WHO publication.

Najib Bishr
WHO Drug Management consultant (STC)
Cairo, Egypt
Mobile, +20103815275

E-DRUG: Configuration of pharmaceutical warehouses (6)

There is a document with requirements for GDP standards. I can send you
a copy (in French)
Asrames, the eastern congo based warehouses developped an internal
checklist for GDP standards.

Both in english and french you can find these high performing handbooks
about storage, supply chain management and (international) logisitics.

Chiel Lijdsman
Drug supply management Consultant
Kigali - Rwanda