E-DRUG: Good storage practice guidelines needed
Dear collegues
I am still in need to find texts, books about storage or some experience about implement Storage Good Practices at districts warehouses. Someone can help me?
Thank you in advance
My regards!
Patricia Torga
Pharmacist - Brasil
Patrícia Torga <ptorga@mgconecta.com.br>
['Guidelines for the Storage of Essential Medicines' is a very comprehensive and practical booklet produced in collaboration with John Snow, UNICEF, WHO and others. It should be available from WHO EDM - contact Kath Hurst <hurstk@who.ch> . Managing Drug Supply from Management Science for Health has a big chapter on medical stores management, contact "McFadyen,Julie" <jmcfadyen@msh.org>].
E-DRUG: Good storage practice guidelines needed (2)
Dear Patricia,
It is so sad when the basics of drug management are forgotten, and good
documents and resources can no longer be obtained because no donor is
willing to pay the development, production and distribution costs, and no
individuals are interested in up-dating them.
I have just looked up the 1994 evaluation of the 'Pharmacy Library Pack'
that a group of about a dozen people, including myself, selected and
distributed over a number of years. It would have been perfect for your
In particular it included: Guidelines on the Storage of Essential Drugs in
Eastern and Southern Africa - a manual for storekeepers, published by WHO
(HRH/91.14) and How to Manage a Health Centre Store, by Anthony Battersby
and others (AHRTAG 1994).
Maybe there are more recent guides that readers of e-drug can suggest, or
perhaps these two documents are still available. It would be good to know.
best wishes,
Philippa Saunders
Philippa Saunders
Essential Drugs Project
77 Lee Road
London SE3 9EN
E-DRUG: Good storage practice guidelines needed (4)
Dear Patricia,
Best book in this regard is MANAGING DRUG SUPPLY [mentioned by the moderator at the base of your message], for more detail about this book you will go through the WHO website [as well as through the MSH website -www msh.org].
With Regards
Amit Jain
Amit Jain (MBA in Hospital Management)
Administrative Officer
Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute
Fc-34, A-4 PASCHIM VIHAR, New Delhi-63
Amit <amit_india2004@yahoo.com>