E-DRUG: Counterfeit Medicines - Public Campaign
E-druggers might be interested to see this message, which was sent to all registered UK pharmacists today. I see Pfizer is taking a lead...
Carolyn Green
Independent consultant - health & development
skype: cgreenconsulttel: +44 1273 738 998
cell: +44 7733 112 368
A major publicity campaign has started about counterfeit medicines bought over the internet. The campaign is being run by a group that includes Pfizer, the MHRA and a number of health charities. It includes a cinema advert being shown in cinemas across the UK.
The cinema advert can be seen at the following website http://www.realdanger.co.uk/ and adverts in national papers. The cinema advert is hard hitting and focuses on the dangers of buying medicines over the internet. The newspaper adverts refer to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s internet pharmacy logo scheme and you can get details of this at the following website http://www.rpsgb.org/registrationandsupport/registration/internetpharmacylogo.html
This campaign is likely to create interest among your patients and you may get asked about counterfeit medicines. We have produced some guidance about counterfeit medicines and this can be found at http://www.rpsgb.org/pdfs/counterfeitmedsguid.pdf . The RPSGB is also holding a seminar on Combating Counterfeiting on 18 March.
Battling counterfeit medicines is in all our interests. The message that we want to get across to patients is that the only safe place to obtain prescription only medicines is through a registered pharmacy.
Best wishes,
David Pruce
Director of Policy & Communications
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
1 Lambeth High Street
Phone 020 7572 2358
Mobile 07860 643862
Fax 020 7572 2506
E-mail david.pruce@rpsgb.org
URL www.rpsgb.org