[e-drug] Course on Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community

E-drug: Course on Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community

E-Druggers, I am happy to announce the:

  4th International Course on Promoting Rational Drug Use
  in the Community

After the success of our previous courses, we are pleased to
announce the fourth international training course on Promoting
Rational Drug Use in the Community (PRDUC). This year's course
will be held in Mbabane, Swaziland, from 2-14 November 2002,
hosted by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Swaziland. The
course is jointly organized by WHO's Department of Essential Drugs
and Medicines Policy, the University of Amsterdam, and the Royal
Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, and the Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare in Swaziland. It is intended for staff from ministries of health,
universities and development agencies, non-governmental and other
organizations, and interested individuals.

During the two weeks participants will work with very experienced
international faculty, and will gain "hands on" experience in how to:

* effectively identify and prioritize community medicines use
* choose and develop appropriate intervention strategies and
   communication channels;
* pretest materials;
* evaluate impact;
* fundraise and network for support and sustainability.

The course emphasizes that interventions must take into account the
social and economic context in which health- and medicine-seeking
behaviour take place, and be developed with community input.

Teaching methods in this highly participatory course include group
activities, fieldwork, presentations and discussions. Participants
spend the final two days preparing a detailed plan of action to tackle
an important community drug use problem in their home country.
They also receive a set of session materials and a small core
communications library. The course Session Notes are also available
at the website given below.

The fee of US$ 2,950 covers tuition, course materials and shared
hotel accommodation in Mbabane, Swaziland. Single room are
available for approximately US$ 20 extra per night payable by
participants. The fee for local participants without accommodation,
breakfast or dinner is US$ 1,500.

The course flyer, application forms and advice on organizations
applicants may approach to seek funding for participation are on the
EDM website at:

Course applications may be submitted by e-mail.

If you would like further information please contact Mrs Annelies
Dijkstra at the address below or Lisa Greenough at e-mail address:

University of Amsterdam Tel: +31 20 5252670
PRDUC course Fax: +31 20 5253010
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185
E-mail: prduc@pscw.uva.nl
1012 DK Amsterdam
The Netherlands

The deadline for receipt of applications is 19 September 2003

Richard Laing (Medical Officer)
Policy, Access and Rational Use,
Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy,
World Health Organization
CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel 41 22 791 4533
Fax 41 22791 4167
E-mail laingr@who.int
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