E-DRUG: Course: Rational Drug Management in International Health
Dear colleagues
This is our final announcement of the fourth international training course on Rational Drug Management in International Health in Basel, Switzerland. Please note that the total course fee is CHF 1500.-- (Swiss Francs). With very best regards!
Karin Wiedenmayer
Short course announcement:
November 1 - 12, 2004
at the Swiss Tropical Institute
Basel, Switzerland
Organised jointly by the Swiss Tropical Institute (STI) Basel and the Department of Tropical Hygiene & Public Health (ATHVG) of the University of Heidelberg.
Drugs are an essential and cost-effective tool of health care and an important element of health systems. The number and type of drugs on the world market is constantly increasing, while financial resources for health care services in general remain limited or decrease. Today, for millions of people worldwide essential drugs remain unavailable and unaffordable. Irrational drug use is a global public health problem and poor quality drugs are an additional barrier to equitable access to drugs. Millions of adults and children die each year from treatable and preventable diseases. Rational drug management is critically important in view of constrained health budgets and to achieve efficiency, equity and quality of health care in pluralistic health systems.
To enable health professionals to understand and apply the concepts and principles of essential drugs and rational drug management; to recognise the need for a national and international drug policy environment; to improve knowledge and technical skills for rational drug management within different health system contexts.
Historical evolution and current global drug situation
The concept of essential drugs and its relevance in primary health care and health
sector reform processes
Equity in access to drugs: dimensions, determinants and strategies
Concept and principles of rational drug management within a health care system
The international context, global treaties and national drug policy
Treatment guidelines, essential drug lists and personal drug list
Framework and components of a drug supply system
Procurement and distribution of essential drugs
Research & development and neglected diseases
Drug costs, affordability and financing options
Drug quality and quality assurance
The role of traditional medicine
Patterns of drug use, strategies for the promotion of rational drug use and community drug use
Rational management of HIV/AIDS related treatment
Critical drug information management
Health professionals and managers with experience (at least two years) in the health sector and in the pharmaceutical sector.
2 weeks (90 hours student investment time).
Equivalent to 3 ECTS points towards the tropEd European Master in International Health.
The course language is English. The course combines lectures, in-depth discussions of case studies, short presentations and small group exercises. The course is highly participatory and participants will be exposed to a wide range of international experiences and materials.
The total course fee is CHF 1500.- (Swiss Francs) and must be paid 4 weeks before the start of the course. This sum includes the registration fee (CHF 100.-) which is due at the moment of acceptance. If a participant does not attend the course, the registration fee cannot be reimbursed. If cancellation is less than 4 weeks before beginning of the course an additional fee of CHF 500.- will be charged.
The course fee does not include travel costs, accommodation, insurance and personal living costs during the stay.
There are no scholarships available for this course.
Swiss Tropical Institute
Socinstrasse 57
CH-4051 Basel
The course is facilitated by international and national experts. The academic panel will include a number of highly experienced professionals from WHO, MEDUNSA, Heidelberg, Phasuma and STI.
Dr. Karin Wiedenmayer (STI)
Dr. Reinhard Huss (Heidelberg)
Swiss Tropical Institute
Course Secretariat
Socinstrasse 57
P.O Box
CH - 4002 Basel / Switzerland
Tel.: + 41 61 284 82 80
Fax: + 41 61 284 81 06
E-mail: courses-sti@unibas.ch
The Swiss Tropical Institute (STI) was founded in 1943. The STI offers an interdisciplinary approach to research, teaching and services in the field of International Health.
The aim of the STI is to contribute to the improvement of the health of populations internationally and nationally through excellence in research, services and teaching and training. The activities of the Institute in the framework of its national and international mandates has led to its world-wide recognition in the field of International Health.
The STI has significant expertise in the pharmaceutical sector with both teaching and training, research, clinical trials, services and in international development cooperation. The unit Teaching and Training offers postgraduate courses in various topics for health staff.
A collaborative network of 27 Tropical Institutes and related institutions in 13 different countries in Europe offers a joint modular Masters Curriculum in International Health (MIH). The Diploma Course Health Care and Management in Tropical Countries HCMTC at STI is equivalent to the core course for this degree.
Candidates for the Masters degree will be required to take further advanced modules in at least 2 other network-institutions and to carry out a master thesis according to MIH requirements. The whole curriculum corresponds to one year full time work. The modular structure allows the studies to be spread over 5 years.
For further information: www.troped.org
Karin Wiedenmayer, MSc, PharmD
Swiss Tropical Institute
Swiss Center for International Health
Socinstrasse 57
4002 Basel
T +41 61 284 81 26
F +41 61 271 86 54